Page 356 - Social Media Marketing
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chapter 12: SOCIAL APPLICATIONS ■Anjali Ramachandran
A planner at London-based social media agency Made by Many, Anjali has complied a list of
crowdsourcing applications. You can follow Anjali on Twitter (@anjali28) and view her wiki-
powered list here:
As an additional practical example of crowdsourcing, consider the Dachis Group’s
Social Software Wiki, shown in Figure 12.5 and referenced earlier in Chapter 4. The
social software wiki is a dynamic list of social tool and platform providers that is
maintained by people inside and outside of Dachis Group. The Dachis Group’s Social
Software Wiki is a “go to” place for businesses interested in learning more about the
334 types of tools available. The collateral benefit—accruing to Dachis Group—is the combi-
nation of thought leadership and lead generation.
Figure 12.5 Dachis Group Software Wiki
Pepsi’s “Refresh” project, referenced in detail in Chapter 7, “Five Essential Tips,”
along with Coke’s “Fannovation,” referenced in Chapter 4, are likewise examples of
crowdsourcing. In both cases, the brands involved are appealing directly to those par-
ticipating in these social applications to direct the efforts of the brands according to the
business objectives as they relate the respective programs. In the case of Fannovation,