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DEVELOPING NEW BUSINESS IDEAS  Table 4.5 Cross-sector application of customer journey technique

                               Phase in the customer journey Product/service example

                               Awareness of need              Oral-B toothbrush, which includes the innovation of
                                                              a patented blue dye in the central bristles whose
                                                              fading indicates when the toothbrush requires
                                                              replacing; household batteries which allow you to
                                                              measure how much residual charge they contain;
                                                              Hallmark Cards’ reminder to customers when and
                                                              to whom they want their online cards to be sent

                               Distribution                   Actors bringing performances to people’s homes;
                                                              Cadbury creating scarcity value for its Chocolate
                                                              Creme Eggs by removing them temporarily from
                                                              distribution (the so-called ‘strawberry syndrome’);
                                                              The Book People company, focused entirely on
                                                              selling books direct to people who would never
                                                              normally visit a bookshop – distribution is typically
                                                              via factories and offices; Haines & Bonner,
                                                              traditional English shirt makers since 1865, who
                                                              deliver brand new hand-pressed shirts direct to the
                                                              desks of City of London-based executives

                               Selection            ’s bespoke software to prompt
                                                              intelligent suggestions online for additional
                                                              purchases; major retailers such as Harvey Nichols
                                                              offering ‘personal shopping’ services

                               Ordering and purchasing        Dell Computers, Direct Line Insurance and easyJet,
                                                              all establishing direct sales links with customers in
                                                              their respective markets

                               From delivery to installation  Marks & Spencer’s investment in user-friendly
                                                              assembly instructions for its flat-pack furniture

                               Payment                        Blockbuster Video, which changed the industry
                                                              pricing model from selling to renting; Ben &
                                                              Jerry’s, the ice-cream manufacturer, which
                                                              donated 10 per cent of its profits to charity; Student
                                                              Loans Company, which requires loans to be paid
                                                              back only when a graduate’s income has exceeded
                                                              a certain level

                               After-sales service            Customer dissatisfaction with ‘revolving door’
                                                              outcomes of anonymous call centres has prompted
                                                              certain banks to differentiate themselves on the
                                                              basis of availability of local managers, including
                                                              mobile and direct line numbers; FirstDirect Bank,
                                                              open for human contact 24/7

                               Repairs and service            Replacement service for travellers offered by credit
                                                              card providers and spectacle manufacturers

                               Disposal                       Lexmark printer cartridges, which can be collected
                                                              and recycled at manufacturer’s expense once
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