Page 181 - DNBI_A01.QXD
P. 181


             key points

             G The ‘Eureka’ moment is a myth
             G Getting started with idea generation is often the most difficult part,

                 but don’t be tempted just to wait for inspiration to occur
             G Start with what is in front of you and then develop your angles of

             G Choose from among the full range of structured idea-generating

                 techniques to develop new insights and to escape from conventional
             G The best way to get a good idea is to get a lot of ideas
             G Wild, impractical ideas are often the stepping stones to highly
                 innovative and workable follow-up ideas – delay your judgement
                 until later
             G Be on a continual lookout for new ideas, analogies and insights
                 drawn from your everyday experience
             G Keep your mind constantly open and never forget that the trouble
                 with experts is that they always know why things cannot be done
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