Page 185 - DNBI_A01.QXD
P. 185


                 With its strong Indian connotations, Cobra was preferred as the brand
               name over the alternative of Panther. Bilimoria used his legal training to
               protect the Cobra brand worldwide. He elected not to patent the brewing
               recipe, on the grounds that protection was probably unenforceable and
               that the brand’s strength would ultimately lie within its name.

                 The Cobra brand and product were capable of growth in a number of
               ways – through attacking mainstream markets outside the Indian
               restaurant market; through attacking additional global markets; by brewing
               the beer in other countries, close to market; and by diversifying into other
               product areas, such as wine, draught beer and lower-strength beer.

                 Bilimoria actively managed his business risk. When Cobra beer entered
               a distribution arrangement with Maison Caurette, for example, the level
               of ongoing debt which resulted was higher than Cobra could withstand if
               things went wrong. Bilimoria’s decision to take out insurance to cover
               the risk was vindicated some 12 months later when the newly merged
               Ebury Caurette company went into liquidation. The £60,000 owed to
               Cobra was fully covered by the insurance.

                 Bilimoria’s left-brain legal and accountancy training was
               complemented by a right-brain vision of producing the first truly global
               Indian beer. His whole-brain approach was evident in his assertion that
               ‘every area of your business has to be creative – even raising money’.

                 His massive personal commitment to the business led him to share a
               cramped flat with his business partner and his new wife for what must
               have seemed an eternity. Nor did he shirk from personally delivering
               Cobra to London restaurants out of the back of ‘Albert’, his Citroen 2CV.
               Again, he turned the experience to good effect, forging effective personal
               relationships with the accounts on which he called.

                 The success of the ‘big one’ is demonstrated by Cobra’s recent
               financial performance, with sales for 2004 exceeding £60 million in over
               30 countries.

         evaluation allows development, not just
         selection The specific purpose of this third step of the idea

             development process – the evaluation and selection of ideas – is to
             winnow down the multiple ideas, perhaps between five and ten, which
             you have brought forward from the previous steps into one single
             leading idea whose implementation you will plan in the fourth step.
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