Page 189 - DNBI_A01.QXD
P. 189


DEVELOPING NEW BUSINESS IDEAS  includes music and videos, ideas which were initially screened out in
                               favour of books.

                               evaluation frameworks for screening ideas

                               Although the actual criteria used will necessarily vary from business
                               opportunity to business opportunity and will depend on your personal
                               situation, a number of useful frameworks exist which can help you
                               undertake a two-phase evaluation of business opportunities.

                               We will look at each of the frameworks in turn before turning to a more
                               detailed discussion of some of the criteria which you may choose to
                               include within the frameworks. The criteria will cover not only business
                               issues but also your personal circumstances, resources and objectives.
                               The overall process is shown diagrammatically in Figure 5.1.

                               Multiple ideas from Step 2                         Flowchart                                        Decision  Single idea
                                                                    Criteria grid                                                  balance   forward into

                                                           Phase 1:                                                                  sheet       Step 4
                                                            coarse                                                       Idea
                                                            screen                                                 compatibility
                                                                                                       criteria grid

                                                                                             Phase 2:



                                                                    Business-focused criteria

                               Figure 5.1 The two-phase idea screening process

                               phase 1: coarse screen

                               evaluation framework 1: criteria grid The criteria grid method allows
                               you to judge possible business opportunities against a limited number
                               of criteria. You could screen ideas against a specific market or type of
                               opportunity, or against a rough-cut business assessment.

                               Imagine you are Jeff Bezos and you wish to screen down 20 possible
                               product ideas for online retailing to a more manageable number. The
                               first step is to generate a list of criteria appropriate to the situation –
                               this requires both left-brain and right-brain thinking. You need to be
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