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Within the corporate world, planners might quick-screen internal ideas           5 : STEP THREE – EVALUATING AND SELECTING IDEAS
against the scheme in Figures 5.4, for example.

Does the initiative fit the  No
   corporate strategy?       No
      Yes                    No

   Does the return on
    investment meet
  minimum acceptable



Do corporate resources
 exist to implement the



    Is the level of risk
   associated with the
  initiative acceptable?


 Proceed to next phase

                                Can the initiative   Investigate
                             generate value for the
                             organisation in other

                              ways – e.g. licence,


                                 Reject initiative

Figure 5.4 Flowchart to screen business ideas against corporate criteria

the instant entrepreneur Leading American entrepreneur Joline
Godfrey illustrates perfectly how this type of coarse-screen evaluation
may be applied by a major corporation. Having just completed the latest
in a number of corporate assignments for Polaroid, Godfrey went on a
brief holiday to Mexico

‘and came back with an idea for a business. It was just that simple. Away from
the distractions of corporate politics, freed of routines that kept me neatly
organized, safe from distracting phones and to-do lists, an idea surfaced . . .
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