Page 195 - DNBI_A01.QXD
P. 195


DEVELOPING NEW BUSINESS IDEAS  evaluation framework 4: idea compatibility matrix A further
                               elaboration of the weighting technique is provided by the idea
                               compatibility matrix. This technique matches the attractiveness of the
                               business idea with its compatibility with your resources and goals; in
                               other words, the degree of fit between you and the idea can serve as a
                               screening and evaluation device, as shown in Figure 5.5.

                                                      High            Idea attractivness  Low

                                              High    Excellent idea   Good idea              Offers
                                                      – implement     – implement         drawbacks –
                                                                                          may not work

                               Compatibility  Medium   Good idea          Offers          Unlikely
                               with personal          – implement     drawbacks –         to work
                               circumstances                          may not work

                                              Low         Offers      Unlikely            Unlikely
                                                      drawbacks –     to work             to work
                                                      may not work

              Figure 5.5 Idea compatibility matrix

             Using online book retailing as an example, Jeff Bezos’ grand vision
             would be positioned in the top-left high/high box, whereas Darryl
             Mattocks’ initial grand vision might feature in the bottom-left high/low
             box, prompting him to reshape his initial idea.

             As we shall see later, the key is to be self-aware – there is every merit in
             recognising that a positive idea in its current configuration may not suit
             your circumstances or specific abilities.

             the benefits of an outsider’s objectivity You do not have to be the
             inventor of an idea to see its potential. Often the reverse is true, where
             an outsider can perceive the massive potential in a business idea which
             the inventor or founder themselves perhaps cannot see, sometimes
             because of their circumstances or specific abilities.

you do not have to be the inventor of an idea
to see its potential
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