Page 85 - Duct Tape Marketing
P. 85
Chapter 6
Produce Marketing Content That Educates
Here’s the current reality: people today have come to expect to
find information about any product, service, company, individ-
ual, cause, or challenge they face by simply turning to the search
engine of their choice. So if they’re not finding that content you’ve
produced provides them that information, even if someone referred
them directly to you, there’s a pretty good chance you won’t be wor-
thy of their trust. You’ve got to commit to content production. You
have to make it a part of your overall strategy, and you’ve got to
produce content with an eye on doing two things—educating and
building trust.
These two categories of your content strategy must be delivered
through the creation of very specific forms of content and not simply
through sheer volume. Every business is now a publishing business, so
you’ve got to start to think like one.
Content That Builds Trust
Yes, I think a blog is the absolute starting point for your content
strategy because it makes content production, syndication, and shar-
ing so easy. The search engines love blog content as well, and this is
the place where you can organize a great deal of your editorial think-
ing. Content produced on a blog can easily be expanded and adapted
to become content for articles, workshops, and e-books.