Page 43 - The Magic of Tiny Business
P. 43

Part I   Choose Your Limitations

perspective. Embrace what you have. Don’t minimize or
overblow it. It’ll make you stronger.

    Look deeply at what you have—whatever it is, it’s
what’s in your tool kit. It is something to begin to work
with, to add and improve on as you build your business.
And by honestly evaluating what you have, you can more
effectively and efficiently get what you need.


           The sum of some is . . . enough.


                   Exercise: Take Inventory

  Take inventory of what you have right now that could help you get
  your Tiny Business off the ground. I recommend that you make this
  list in at least two ways:

       ®	 The normal and comfortable way—for example, writing it out
          on pen and paper or your laptop

       ®	 An unusual and uncomfortable way—for example, writing
          left-handed if you’re a righty (or vice versa)

       The latter is a simple way to get you out of your comfort zone and
  thinking creatively. When you do something in a new or different way,
  you slow down. New thoughts and insights occur. If it feels silly or
  dumb, then you’re doing it right!

       However you do it, make this list today. It will give you a very clear
  picture of what you have to work with right now.

       Here’s my list of what I had when I started. Use it as a guide to
  create your own.

  Family: A husband and a newborn son.

  Housing: A two-bedroom apartment in New York City where rent was
  about a third of our income.

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