Page 47 - The Magic of Tiny Business
P. 47

Part I   Choose Your Limitations

let alone flexible work hours. That was then. Now, I have a
“tribe,” as Seth Godin calls it.

    There’s an awake and enlightened group of business-
people with a welcome mat at the door. It’s a growing
movement with the belief that when the tide rises, all
boats rise. It’s a space that’s collaborative and competitive.
It’s a global movement of B Corps: business as a force for
good.1 Whether you want to grow and sell a Tiny Busi-
ness or inspire other businesses with your actions, it’s
important to know you are not alone. Come join us.

     “N  ever doubt that a small group of thoughtful,
      committed citizens can change the world;
      indeed, it’s the only thing that ever has.”

                                    —Margaret Mead

Get the Lay of the Land
Who do you know who has a business that’s like the one
you want to start? If you don’t know anyone personally,
maybe you know someone in your city or town, or an
internet acquaintance. Figure out what you’re most curi-
ous about or in need of and ask if they have a few moments
to spend with you.

    Questions you can ask include:

    ®	 What inspired you to start?
    ®	 What motivates you?
    ®	 What was and is your financial picture?
    ®	 Where are you now versus where you want to be?

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