Page 50 - The Magic of Tiny Business
P. 50

Chapter Two   Work with What You’ve Got and Make It Work

person. How can you do that? Ask an unusual question.
Or do like my friend Drew: find someone standing alone,
walk up to them, and say, “I don’t know anyone. What
brings you here?”

    The more you walk into rooms without an agenda, the
more comfortable you’ll become walking into rooms.

Five Tips for Walking into a Room with Strangers

    1.	Make sure you’re not thirsty or hungry or tired
       (ensure your physical body is satiated).

    2.	Pick a mantra or song to get you out of your head.
    3.	Take a few centering breaths and walk into the

    4.	Commit to listening versus talking.
    5.	Be curious.

    Go to these meet-ups to learn, to find a community
where you can exchange ideas, to find a place to land.
Commit to talking to at least one person the first time and
maybe two the next. Be prepared to talk about your idea
in whatever shape it’s in. Talk about as much of it as you’re
comfortable with or be expansive and make it all up. Lis-
ten and watch for what people are responding to. Is it your
idea or your energy, or are they simply being polite?

    If you’re nervous someone will steal your idea, talk in
the abstract until you’re comfortable enough to share more
details. My sense is that everyone has the same ideas at the
same time anyway—if they’re tuned in.

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