Page 55 - The Magic of Tiny Business
P. 55

Part II   Let Your “Why” Speak

the problem I had with plastic bag pollution and suggested
a solution.

    I set off with the few samples I had and began knock-
ing on doors, talking to shop owners on Columbus Ave-
nue. I began with a few traditional, expandable “filet”-style
string bags like I’d used in Europe years earlier. (I had
noticed that when I used these bags in my neighborhood,
I got curious glances, occasional questions, and a few
“Where can I get one of those?”) When a few shop owners
responded with small orders, it was time to take the next
tiny steps: I needed product—and a business name.

                 Own It by Naming It

Back to the kitchen table, where all great things
happen . . .

    While eating dinner one evening—with my infant son
in my arms—I asked my husband, Blake, what we should
call this fledgling business. Without missing a beat (he’s a
songwriter), he said “Eco-Bags.” That was the whole discus-
sion. Eco-Bags Products was born.

    Side note: It was the first time the prefix “eco” had
ever been followed by “bags.” Had we known then what
we know now about branding, using or not using descrip-
tive words, and online search, our simple approach may
not have worked. But at least we knew enough to protect
our newly born tiny brand with trademark registrations.
My advice? Find an intellectual property (IP) trademark

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