Page 58 - The Magic of Tiny Business
P. 58

Chapter Three   Taking Tiny Steps

or get them out of our sight—before they wreak havoc on
our focus. We need to stay intentional and focused on our
priorities (consciously chosen limitations, remember?).

    When you set out in a direction, with purpose and
intention, opportunities tend to arise that are in sync with
what you’re doing. Like magic.

                  Just Fine vs. Perfect

To find a manufacturer, I naïvely faxed every consulate in
Europe I could think of, who kindly passed my inquiry
along to the right people. The Germans responded almost
immediately with pricing and samples. The Spanish
responded a few months later, the Italians about two years
later, and we never got a response from the French. The
German product was like the French one that had inspired
me, but with less style. It was good enough to get started.
I ordered a small amount of inventory and turned my hall-
way into a storage and distribution center.


            Good enough is a great start.


    Now that I had enough product to fill the few small
orders from local shop owners, my ears were on the ground
listening to what could be next. I don’t remember how we
found out about Earth Day, but we did. The second Earth

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