Page 92 - The Magic of Tiny Business
P. 92

Chapter Five   Be Ready for Takeoff
    Then came the Great Recession. We didn’t think we’d
be in the firing line so soon, and we weren’t prepared for it.
    Unlike many others, we managed to survive the reces-
sion—but we didn’t come out unscathed. It was quite a
ride! So what did we learn?


       In business, you are not alone. You are
        part of an ecosystem and you do not

            have the luxury of avoidance.


    You may be involved in your own reality, but yours is
not the only real one. Listen to the news, family, and
friends, even if you’re busy and you think what’s going on
“out there” doesn’t apply to you. Prepare for all the

    And if you take even some of the following advice, you
will be more prepared than we were.

     “The water has receded hundreds of feet further than
  normal for a low tide. Do you want to go look at seashells?”

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