Page 96 - The Magic of Tiny Business
P. 96

Chapter Five   Be Ready for Takeoff

him a job—the job was to take my pain away and put the
company back together.

    I reduced my compensation to nothing to be able to
pay him, and he went to work to do all the things I didn’t
feel confident doing. He did great. He had been a CEO of
a larger company and knew better than me how to engage,
lead, and direct my team.

    Outsourcing my stress allowed me time to regroup,
keep my free time prioritized, and see what the business
needed next. I consciously limited my role in my own
business in order to stay true to my Tiny Business princi-
ples, which, let’s not forget, included remaining a profit-
able company. It wasn’t easy letting go of the reins, but it’s
exactly what needed to happen.

Stay Connected
Remember the Erector sets we played with as kids? All
the pieces connect to form a whole. That’s how we are as a
business community. If you need a nature image, we’re a
huge lily pad with our roots all growing together in the
muck and tangled up. We need each other to survive.


  Everyone’s a touchpoint, someone who may be
    in a position to offer help when you need it.


    Before we needed cash support and before the reces-
sion hit, my accountant, Michael, did a really great thing.
He introduced me to his contact at the bank, Josephine.

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