Page 2 - The Business Idea Factory: A World-Class System for Creating Successful Business Ideas
P. 2

The	Business	Idea	Factory


    A	World-Class	System	for	Creating	Successful	Business	Ideas

Published	by	Andrii	Sedniev
Copyright	©	2016	by	Andrii	Sedniev
All	 rights	 reserved.	 No	 part	 of	 this	 book	 may	 be	 reproduced	 in	 any	 form	 or	 by	 any	 electronic	 or
mechanical	 means	 including 	 info r matio n	 sto r ag e	 and	 r etr ieval	 systems	 –	 except	 in	 the	 case	 o f	 br ief
quotations	 in	 articles	 or	 reviews	 –	 without	 the	 permission	 in	 writing	 from	 its	 publisher,	 Andrii
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