Page 57 - The Business Idea Factory: A World-Class System for Creating Successful Business Ideas
P. 57

Combine	ideas


Make	connections

When	I	studied	at	the	University	of	Michigan,	one	day	I	asked	my	friend	Martin,	“Hey,	Martin,	how
was	 your	 summer	 internship?”	 He	 said,	 “Andrii,	 I	 worked	 in	 a	 supply	 chain	 department	 of	 a	 large
medical	equipment	producer.	I	have	developed	a	new	ordering	strategy	which	saves	the	company	over
$10M	 per 	 year.	 The	 co mpany	 issued	 me	 a	 jo b	 o ffer 	 and	 as	 a	 to ken	 o f	 appr eciatio n	 will	 pay	 fo r 	 my
I	asked,	“Martin,	how	did	you	manage	to	get	this	idea?”
“Well,	 Andrii,	 actually	 I	 just	 brought	 directors	 of	 all	 the	 company	 divisions	 to	 the	 same	 room	 and
asked	how	they	place	their	orders	now.	We	have	taken	the	best	ideas	from	all	existing	strategies	and
based	on	them,	created	a	strategy	that	is	a	company-wide	standard	today.”
Creativity	researchers	have	discovered	that	all	great	ideas	are	combinations	or	modifications	of	the
existing	ones.	Geniuses	create	their	breakthrough	inventions	by	making	connections	between	existing
ideas,	just	like	Martin	during	his	summer	internship.	Henry	Ford	once	said,	“The	simple	secret	of	my
genius	 is	 that	 I	 created	 something	 new	 out	 of	 the	 ideas	 and	 inventions	 of	 others.”	 Steve	 Jobs	 said,
“When	 yo u	 ask	 cr eative	 peo ple	 ho w	 they	 did	 so mething ,	 they	 feel	 a	 little	 g uilty	 because	 they	 didn’t
really	 do	 it;	 they	 just	 saw	 something.	 It	 seemed	 obvious	 to	 them	 after	 a	 while.	 That’s	 because	 they
were	 able	 to	 connect	 experiences	 they’ve	 had	 and	 synthesize	 new	 things.”	 American	 advertising
executive	Jerry	Della	Femina	said:	“Creativity	is	about	making	a	lot	of	quick	connections	—	about	the
things	you	know,	the	things	you’ve	seen.	The	more	you’ve	done,	the	easier	it	is	to	make	that	jump.”
Professor	 Dean	 Keith,	 in	 his	 research,	 found	 that	 creative	 geniuses	 generate	 more	 breakthrough
ideas	than	other	people.	What	he	also	found	is	that	they	generate	many	more	useless	and	unsuccessful
ideas.	 The	 creation	 of	 a	 breakthrough	 business	 idea	 depends	 on	 chance	 and	 geniuses	 increase	 its
probability	by	making	a	lot	of	connections	between	random	thoughts,	experiences	and	ideas.
If	you	want	to	dramatically	increase	your	effectiveness	in	producing	great	business	ideas,	make	this
your	 invocation:	 “All	 ideas	 are	 a	 combination	 or	 modification	 of	 existing	 ideas.	 To	 increase	 the
probability	 of	 creating	 a	 successful	 business	 idea,	 I	 will	 make	 more	 random	 combinations	 between
thoughts,	experiences	and	ideas	every	day.”

Just	focus	your	attention	and	think

When	 I	 studied	 at	 elementar y	 scho o l,	 o ur 	 teacher 	 o nce	 said,	 “Do n’t	 think	 abo ut	 a	 yello w	 mo nkey.”
The	 entire	 class	 laughed	 because	 we	 all	 thought	 about	 the	 yellow	 monkey.	 In	 my	 imagination	 the
monkey	was	sitting	on	a	bench,	then	dancing	and	eventually	sitting	at	the	desk.
When	you	concentrate	your	attention	on	a	particular	object	or	a	problem,	after	some	time	your	brain
will	 get	 bored	 and	 begin	 thinking	 about	 how	 to	 perceive	 it	 differently,	 decompose	 it	 into	 parts	 or
connect	 with	 other	 thoughts,	 experiences	 or	 ideas.	 I	 am	 often	 asked,	 “Andrii,	 how	 should	 I	 be
thinking?”	and	I	answer,	“Simply	focus	your	attention	on	the	problem	and	your	creative	mind	will	do
the	rest.”
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