Page 74 - The Business Idea Factory: A World-Class System for Creating Successful Business Ideas
P. 74

Write	ideas	down

When	I	studied	at	school,	my	math	teacher	kept	repeating,	“If	you	haven’t	written	down	a	solution	for
the	problem,	you	haven’t	solved	a	problem.”	Before	I	took	this	advice	seriously,	quite	often	I	had	to
say,	“I	solved	this	problem	yesterday,	but	just	forgot	the	solution.”
If	 there	 was	 just	 one	 tip	 I	 could	 give,	 that	 would	 help	 you	 the	 most	 in	 creating	 successful	 business
ideas,	it	would	be	this:	“Always	write	down	your	ideas!	Write	each	idea	down	as	soon	as	it	comes	to
your	head	or	they	will	go	as	quickly	as	they	came.	Write	down	the	idea	no	matter	when	and	where	it
came.”	Capturing	ideas	has	several	benefits:
Firstly,	 the	 ideas	 are	 saved	 and	 can	 be	 used	 later.	 For	 any	 successful	 business	 ideas	 creator,	 not
writing	 down	 an	 idea	 looks	 even	 more	 ridiculous	 than	 burning	 $100	 bills	 with	 a	 lighter.	 Ideas	 are
treasures	and	should	always	be	saved.
Seco ndly,	 wr iting 	 do wn	 an	 idea	 sends	 a	 sig nal	 to 	 yo ur 	 subco nscio us	 mind,	 “Thank	 yo u	 ver y	 much
for	 generating	 this	 wonderful	 idea.	 I	 highly	 appreciate	 what	 you	 do	 for	 me.	 Please	 generate	 more
ideas.”	 If	 the	 subconscious	 mind	 feels	 appreciated,	 it	 will	 work	 harder	 and	 generate	 even	 more
wonderful	ideas	for	you.	Imagine	that	you	say	something	to	your	friend,	and	he	or	she	doesn’t	listen.
Yo u	 r epeat	 a	 seco nd	 time	 but	 he	 o r 	 she	 do esn’t	 car e	 abo ut	 what	 yo u	 say	 ag ain.	 Eventually	 yo u	 sto p
talking.	The	same	happens	with	your	right	brain	if	you	don’t	appreciate	ideas	that	it	generates.
Finally,	 when	 yo u	 have	 many	 ideas	 o n	 paper 	 yo u	 can	 easily	 switch	 between	 them.	 Each	 idea	 can	 be
modified	or	combined	with	other	ideas	to	create	new	ideas.	For	example	when	Edison’s	Ore	Milling
Company	proved	to	be	financially	unprofitable,	he	looked	through	his	notebooks	with	ideas.	Edison
figured	 out	 that	 his	 company	 had	 a	 very	 similar	 business	 model	 to	 one	 in	 the	 cement	 industry	 and
formed	Edison	Portland	Cement	in	1899.
Tho mas	 Ediso n,	 Benjamin	 Fr anklin,	 Leo nar do 	 da	 Vinci,	 the	 Wr ig ht	 br o ther s,	 Vir g inia	 Wo o lf,	 Car l
Jung,	 Charles	 Darwin	 and	 thousands	 of	 other	 famous	 entrepreneurs,	 innovators,	 writers,	 scientists
and	 ar tists	 car r ied	 no tebo o ks	 and	 wr o te	 do wn	 all	 their 	 ideas.	 This	 habit	 played	 an	 impo r tant	 r o le	 in
their	success.

What	to	do	if	the	idea	caught	you	off	guard?

Imagine	that	just	before	you	fall	asleep	an	amazing	idea	comes	to	your	head.	You	might	think,	“I	am
too	tired	to	write	down	the	idea.	I	will	do	it	first	thing	in	the	morning.”	Guess	what,	once	you	wake	up
the	idea	will	be	gone	and	may	never	come	to	you	again.
The	best	ideas	often	come	when	you	least	expect	them:	in	a	grocery	store,	while	you	exercise	in	the
gym	or	sleep.	Although,	writing	down	an	idea	often	may	seem	terribly	inconvenient,	always	write	it
down	no	matter	when	and	where	it	came.	If	you	got	an	idea	at	3	in	the	morning,	wake	up	and	write	it
do wn.	 If	 yo u	 g o t	 an	 idea	 dur ing 	 an	 impo r tant	 business	 meeting ,	 take	 a	 pen	 and	 wr ite	 it	 do wn.	 If	 yo u
got	an	idea	in	a	grocery	store,	find	a	way	to	write	it	down.	This	habit	will	have	an	enormous	impact
on	your	success	in	business	and	life.
Yo u	 mig ht	 ask,	 “Andr ii,	 what	 if	 ther e	 is	 no 	 way	 fo r 	 me	 to 	 wr ite	 do wn	 an	 idea?	 Fo r 	 example,	 I	 am
driving	 a	 car	 or	 presenting	 in	 front	 of	 a	 large	 audience.	 Can	 I	 remember	 the	 idea	 to	 write	 it	 down
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