Page 78 - The Business Idea Factory: A World-Class System for Creating Successful Business Ideas
P. 78

Belief	and	desire

	Your	subconscious	mind	is	an	incredibly	powerful	thinking	mechanism	that	is	programmed	by	your
desires.	The	more	you	want	to	solve	a	particular	task,	the	harder	your	subconscious	will	think	to	find
a	solution.
For	example,	if	you	say,	“It	would	be	nice	to	find	a	solution	for	my	task”	your	subconscious	would
do	nothing.	If	you	say,	“I	really	want	to	find	a	solution”	your	subconscious	would	think	and	give	you
some	ideas.	However,	if	you	say,	“I	am	obsessed	with	what	I	am	doing	and	have	a	burning	desire	to
find	a	solution”	your	subconscious	will	think	at	full	capacity	and	generate	a	lot	of	high-quality	ideas
that	will	make	your	business	successful.
The	best	business	innovators	know	the	secret	of	effective	thinking	and	if	you	ask	any	of	them	about
his	 or	 her	 success	 secret,	 the	 answer	 is	 always	 the	 same:	 “Do	 what	 you	 are	 passionate	 about.”	 This
advice	 is	 ver y	 simple	 and	 yo u	 may	 have	 hear d	 it	 numer o us	 times.	 Yo ur 	 success	 in	 g ener ating 	 ideas
will	depend	on	whether	you	act	upon	it	or	not.
Even	if	you	have	a	burning	desire	to	generate	ideas	you	may	block	your	subconscious	by	thinking,	“I
am	not	sure	if	I	can	generate	good	ideas,”	“I	can’t	generate	good	ideas”	or	“I	will	see	if	I	can	generate
good	 ideas	 or	 not.”	 The	 most	 important	 belief	 of	 the	 great	 thinkers	 is	 “I	 will	 definitely	 find	 an
excellent	solution	for	my	task.”	Your	subconscious	is	very	sensitive	to	your	beliefs.	If	you	doubt	that
yo u	 will	 g ener ate	 g r eat	 ideas,	 the	 subco nscio us	 will	 be	 blo cked	 by	 yo ur 	 analytical	 br ain.	 If	 yo u	 ar e
100%	confident	that	you	will	generate	great	ideas,	it	will	be	unstoppable	and	excellent	ideas	will	flow
into	your	brain	as	quickly	as	possible.
When	 I	 asked	 my	 fr iend	 Max,	 who ’s	 been	 wo r king 	 o ver 	 10	 year s	 as	 a	 cr eative	 dir ecto r 	 in	 a	 wo r ld-
famous	company,	what	is	most	important	for	generating	high-quality	ideas	he	said,	“Andrii,	it	is	your
100%	belief	that	you	will	generate	them.”
Remember	 the	 magic	 induction,	 “I	 have	 a	 burning	 desire	 to	 create	 successful	 business	 ideas	 and	 a
100%	confidence	that	I	will	generate	them.”	It	turns	ordinary	people	into	the	world’s	greatest	thinkers.
Nothing	great	was	ever	accomplished	without	enthusiasm.	–	Ralph	Waldo	Emerson
It’s	 very	 hard	 to	 succeed	 in	 something	 unless	 you	 take	 the	 first	 step	 –	 which	 is	 to	 become	 very
interested	in	it.	–	Sir	William	Osler
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