Page 83 - The Business Idea Factory: A World-Class System for Creating Successful Business Ideas
P. 83

however,	 that	 you	 need	 to	 build	 up	 your	 energy	 while	 staying	 completely	 relaxed.	 As	 soon	 as	 you
notice	tension	–	relax	yourself.	It	might	seem	impossible	to	be	lively	and	relaxed	simultaneously,	but
it	is	easy.	It’s	an	amazing	feeling	of	outside	calmness	and	internal	readiness.
Zen	Buddhism	has	a	concept	of	“beginner ’s	mind.”	Zen	teachers	say	that	having	a	beginner ’s	mind
means	facing	life	like	a	child,	being	full	of	curiosity,	amazement	and	open	to	anything	new.	Openness
is	 o ne	 o f	 the	 fo undatio ns	 o f	 cr eativity.	 Be	 o pen	 to 	 all	 o ppo r tunities	 and	 ideas,	 no 	 matter 	 ho w	 cr azy
they	look	at	first	glance.
Remember	 a	 time	 when	 you	 were	 ready	 to	 accept	 anything	 that	 the	 world	 has	 to	 offer.	 You	 don’t
know	 what	 will	 happen	 in	 the	 next	 moment,	 but	 it	 is	 not	 important	 because	 you	 are	 ready	 to	 accept
anything.	Build	up	a	feeling	of	openness	until	you	can	clearly	feel	it.
If	you	think	that	you	are	not	creative	or	if	you	doubt	that	you	can	come	up	with	an	amazing	idea,	your
subconscious	 will	 be	 blocked	 and	 will	 indeed	 not	 generate	 successful	 ideas.	 Being	 100%	 confident
that	great	ideas	will	come	to	you	is	one	of	the	most	important	things	in	the	idea	generation	process.
Recall	a	situation	from	your	life	when	you	felt	absolutely	confident	in	yourself.	Maybe	you	said	or
did	something	you	were	100%	sure	about.	Relive	it	as	clearly	as	you	can	and	feel	what	you	felt	at	that
time.	While	building	up	a	feeling	of	confidence,	remain	open,	lively,	excited	and	relaxed.


Repeat	 again	 everything	 mentioned	 above!	 Every	 time	 you	 increase	 the	 intensity	 of	 each	 feeling,
make	 sur e	 yo u	 stay	 simultaneo usly	 r elaxed,	 excited,	 lively,	 o pen	 and	 co nfident.	 Go 	 thr o ug h	 this	 list
several	times	and	very	soon	you	will	get	into	a	high-productivity	state.
A	 high-performance	 state	 is	 a	 state	 in	 which	 the	 creative	 brain	 works	 most	 effectively.	 I	 highly
recommend	 getting	 into	 a	 high-performance	 state	 whenever	 you	 need	 to	 generate	 ideas.	 This	 state
will	do	magic	with	your	ability	to	create	successful	business	ideas.
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