Page 85 - The Business Idea Factory: A World-Class System for Creating Successful Business Ideas
P. 85

Generating	ideas	is	a	game

When	I	was	about	12	years	old,	I	had	a	huge	fear.	I	was	afraid	of	getting	beaten	up	by	bullies	on	the
street.	 I	 was	 so	 scared	 to	 go	 to	 school	 every	 day	 that	 my	 parents	 put	 me	 into	 the	 Kiokushin	 Karate
school	to	get	this	fear	out	of	me.
Every	training	session,	after	stretching	and	practicing	punches,	we	had	practice	fights.	I	was	fighting
against	 older,	 bigger	 and	 more	 experienced	 guys.	 It	 was	 painful,	 unpleasant	 and	 that	 time	 lasted	 an
eternity	for	me.
One	day	our	trainer,	Alexander,	said,	“Everyone,	please	sit	in	a	circle.	I	have	to	tell	you	something.”
What	 he	 said	 no t	 o nly	 chang ed	 my	 attitude	 to war ds	 kar ate	 and	 fig hting 	 but	 also 	 my	 attitude	 to war ds
generating	ideas.
“Guys,	don’t	fear	the	pain	from	the	punches.	Have	an	attitude	towards	a	fight	as	you	would	towards	a
game.	 Here	 you	 missed	 a	 punch,	 here	 you	 managed	 to	 hit	 your	 opponent	 and	 there	 you	 made	 a
successful	block.	It’s	fun!	It’s	interesting,	exciting	and	challenging!”	These	words	struck	a	chord	with
me	and	I	will	remember	them	forever.
Once	 I	 started	 to	 think	 about	 the	 fight	 as	 a	 game,	 I	 forgot	 about	 the	 pain	 but	 instead	 enjoyed	 the
challenge.	My	parents	found	it	difficult	to	believe,	but	after	2	months	I	even	volunteered	to	participate
in	the	Kyiv	city	karate	championship.
The	 fight	 lasted	 a	 minute	 and	 a	 half.	 I	 punched,	 kicked	 and	 made	 blocks,	 but	 most	 often	 I	 was
punched.	After	45	seconds,	I	felt	completely	exhausted,	like	I	couldn’t	even	raise	my	hands,	much	less
punch.	 The	 audience	 raved,	 “Andrii!	 Andrii!	 Kick	 his	 ass!	 Kill	 him!”	 When	 you	 hear	 your	 name
cheered,	it	should	give	you	more	strength	and	power	to	win,	but	in	my	case	it	was	the	opposite.	Guess
what?	My	opponent’s	name	was	also	Andrii!	He	had	a	green	belt	and	more	than	7	years	of	experience
in	karate.
I	lost	that	fight.	I	was	beaten	up.	But	it	was	truly	fun!	Few	things	can	compare	to	it.
After	the	fight,	the	trainer	called	me	and	said,	“Andrii,	you	fought	like	a	lion.	I	am	proud	of	you.	And
by	the	way,	you	really	challenged	greatly	this	guy	who	won	two	previous	city	championships.”	Those
wer e	 the	 nicest	 wo r ds	 that	 I	 ever 	 hear d.	 T he	 next	 year 	 I	 wo n	 many	 fig hts	 and	 even	 r eceived	 a	 kar ate
blue	belt.
When	you	fight,	winning	or	losing	depends	a	lot	on	your	attitude.	If	you	are	serious	and	think	about
how	 bad	 it	 will	 be	 if	 you	 lose,	 your	 subconscious	 will	 be	 blocked	 and	 won’t	 give	 you	 great	 ideas
abo ut	 ho w	 to 	 punch	 o r 	 blo ck	 punches.	 Fig hter s	 who 	 win	 ar e	 passio nate	 abo ut	 mar tial	 ar ts,	 have	 fun
and	consider	a	fight	as	a	game.
According	to	researchers,	over	98%	of	children	younger	than	10	years	of	age	possess	genius-level
creativity.	Children	generate	a	lot	of	original	ideas	and	they	always	have	fun	while	generating	them.
When	 you	 have	 fun,	 you	 forget	 about	 time,	 you	 forget	 about	 mealtimes	 and	 activate	 your
subconscious.	 It	 processes	 millions	 of	 thoughts	 at	 full	 capacity	 and	 eventually	 gives	 you	 amazing
ideas	 in	 the	 form	 of	 a	 gut	 feeling,	 a	 hunch	 or	 intuition.	 There	 is	 a	 guaranteed	 way	 to	 not	 generate
good	 ideas.	 Being	 serious!	 Unfortunately,	 seriousness	 is	 the	 state	 in	 which	 the	 majority	 of	 adults
remain	most	of	the	time.
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