Page 98 - The Business Idea Factory: A World-Class System for Creating Successful Business Ideas
P. 98


	Remember	 what	 ideas	 are	 created	 from?	 Ideas	 are	 modifications	 or	 combinations	 of	 other	 ideas.
SCAMPER	(Substitute,	Combine,	Adapt,	Magnify	or	Minimize,	Put	to	other	use,	Eliminate,	Rearrange
or	 Reverse)	 is	 a	 very	 popular	 creative	 technique,	 because	 of	 its	 effectiveness	 for	 generating	 high-
quality	business	ideas.	SCAMPER	allows	you	to	apply	most	common	modifications	to	the	product	or
process	and	create	new	business	ideas.	Imagine	that	you	parked	your	car	near	a	café.	You	entered	into
the	building,	the	waiter	brought	a	menu	and	you	ordered	a	dinner.	After	the	meal	you	asked	for	a	bill
and	left	a	tip.	Let’s	use	the	SCAMPER	technique	for	this	regular	café	to	see	which	new	business	ideas
we	can	generate.
Subst it ut e.	 Let’s	 substitute	 dr iving 	 to 	 the	 café	 to 	 the	 café	 co ming 	 to 	 yo ur 	 ho use.	 Do 	 yo u	 see	 which
business	ideas	we	can	create	based	on	this	substitution?	Pizza	delivery	services	use	this	exact	business
model.	You	call	the	phone	number,	order	your	meal	and	it	is	delivered	to	your	house	in	less	than	an
Combine.	Let’s	combine	a	café	and	a	thrill	ride.	For	example,	a	result	can	be	a	Belgian	Dinner	in	The
Sky	restaurant	service	which	uses	a	crane	to	lift	people,	dinners	and	tables	150	feet	into	the	air.	Forbes
magazine	called	it	one	of	the	world’s	ten	most	unusual	restaurants.
Adapt.	Let’s	adapt	a	café	for	kids.	How	might	such	a	café	look?	All	dishes	have	funny	titles	adapted
for	kids	and	are	served	with	a	toy.	The	café	has	a	playground	and	waiters	are	dressed	in	costumes	of
characters	from	popular	cartoons.	When	I	was	in	New	York	for	the	first	time,	a	tour	guide	showed	a
doll	store.	This	store	has	a	café	where	girls	can	drink	tea	with	their	dolls.
Magnify	 or	 minimize.	 Let’s	 reduce	 the	 number	 of	 items	 on	 the	 menu	 to	 several	 drinks	 and
sandwiches.	As	a	result	we	may	get	a	fast	food	restaurant	such	as	McDonald’s,	Burger	King	or	KFC.
No w	 let’s	 r educe	 the	 number 	 o f	 dishes	 to 	 just	 thr ee.	 As	 a	 r esult	 we	 can	 g et	 a	 business	 lunch	 co mbo
that	the	café	offers	from	noon	until	3	p.m.
Put	to	other	use.		The	building	of	the	café	can	be	used	to	create	a	hairdressing	salon,	a	pharmacy	or
a	 sho p.	 Dining 	 tables	 can	 be	 used	 as	 o ffice	 desks.	 T he	 kitchen	 can	 pr o duce	 co o ked	 fo o d	 that	 will	 be
sold	through	supermarkets	or	sandwiches	that	will	be	sold	through	gas	stations.
Eliminate.	Let’s	eliminate	a	building	of	the	café.	As	a	result	we	may	have	a	drive-in	café	where	you
o r der 	 and	 eat	 fo o d	 while	 sitting 	 in	 a	 car.	 Let’s	 eliminate	 the	 waiter s	 and	 we	 can	 g et	 a	 help-yo ur self
café	where	you	put	food	on	your	plate	yourself	and	later	pay	for	it	at	the	counter.
Rearrange	or	reverse.	Let’s	reverse	a	statement,	“Visitors	should	leave	tips	for	waiters”	to	“Visitors
shouldn’t	leave	tips.”	As	a	result	we	can	have	a	café	where	waiters	don’t	receive	tips.
To	be	honest	I	hate	paying	tips.	When	I	lived	in	Ann	Arbor,	Michigan,	one	day,	while	walking	along
the	street,	I	stumbled	upon	a	café	with	a	sign	on	the	door:	“We	don’t	take	tips.”	I	entered	and	placed	an
order.	When	the	waitress	arrived	she	said,	“Here	is	your	meal.	And	I	just	want	to	remind	you	that	our
café	has	a	no	tips	policy.”	Should	I	tell	you	that	I	became	a	regular	visitor?
SCAMPER	 and	 Tr ansfo r mer 	 ar e	 thinking 	 techniques	 that	 can	 br ing 	 yo u	 a	 lo t	 o f	 successful	 business
ideas.	 Apply	 them	 o ccasio nally	 to 	 see	 if	 yo u	 can	 impr o ve	 yo ur 	 existing 	 business	 o r 	 star t	 a	 new	 o ne.
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