Page 102 - The Business Idea Factory: A World-Class System for Creating Successful Business Ideas
P. 102

Creativity	is	a	probability	game

	One	day	there	lived	a	young	man	called	James	who	decided	to	open	his	own	business.	James	thought,
“I	have	an	idea	for	a	product	that	will	change	the	world!”	For	2	months	James	worked	on	developing
his	 product	 and	 setting	 up	 the	 marketing	 campaign.	 Every	 morning	 he	 woke	 up	 with	 excitement,
began	working	and	finished	only	very	late	at	night.	This	was	the	happiest	time	in	James’s	life	because
he	 did	 what	 he	 lo ved	 and	 what	 he	 believed	 in.	 When	 the	 pr o duct	 was	 finally	 launched,	 James	 didn’t
sell	 anything	 and	 realized	 that	 nobody	 in	 the	 market	 wanted	 it.	 He	 thought,	 “I	 just	 don’t	 have
entrepreneurial	talent!	What	did	I	hope	for?	I	am	not	the	business	shark,	just	an	ordinary	James.”
Peo ple	 tend	 to 	 take	 it	 ver y	 per so nally	 when	 their 	 ideas	 fail.	 The	 sto r y	 abo ut	 James	 is	 a	 sto r y	 abo ut
millions	of	entrepreneurs	worldwide.	Some	of	them	become	very	sad	after	the	first	couple	of	failures
and	stop	trying	new	ideas,	others	realize	that	failures	are	an	essential	part	of	success	and	succeed.
Nature	 creates	 multiple	 species	 and	 lets	 a	 process	 of	 natural	 selection	 decide	 which	 will	 survive.
Ninety-five	 per cent	 o f	 new	 species	 die	 and	 o nly	 the	 few	 str o ng est	 sur vive.	 Gr eat	 idea	 cr eato r s	 kno w
that	just	like	in	nature,	to	create	a	successful	business	you	need	to	implement	multiple	ideas	and	let	the
market	decide	which	of	them	will	survive.
Research	 shows	 that	 successful	 artists,	 composers,	 scientists,	 writers	 and	 entrepreneurs	 not	 only
succeed	 more	 often	 than	 others	 but	 also	 fail	 significantly	 more.	 They	 know	 that	 creativity	 is	 a
probability	game	and	the	more	ideas	you	implement,	the	more	successful	ones	will	be	among	them.
If	you	want	to	become	good	at	business,	make	sure	that	your	attitude	towards	failures	is	as	follows:
“Creativity	 is	 a	 probability	 game.	 I	 am	 excited	 to	 fail	 because	 the	 more	 I	 fail	 the	 more	 successful	 I
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