Page 104 - The Business Idea Factory: A World-Class System for Creating Successful Business Ideas
P. 104

Failures	are	a	valuable	experience

	One	 o f	 the	 g r eatest	 scientists	 o f	 the	 20th	 centur y,	 Tho mas	 Ediso n,	 cr eated	 10,000	 pr o to types	 befo r e
pr esenting 	 to 	 the	 wo r ld	 a	 co mmer cially	 viable	 lig ht	 bulb.	 He	 said,	 “I	 have	 no t	 failed	 10,000	 times.	 I
have	not	failed	once.	I	have	succeeded	in	proving	that	those	10,000	ways	will	not	work.	When	I	have
eliminated	the	ways	that	will	not	work,	I	will	find	the	way	that	will	work.”
The	 greatest	 innovators	 know	 that	 to	 become	 successful	 you	 need	 to	 make	 good	 decisions.	 Good
decisions	come	from	experience	and	experience	comes	from	bad	decisions.	When	you	fail,	you	learn
what	doesn’t	work	and	why.	This	experience	is	the	reason	why	you	eventually	succeed.
Everybody	knows	the	Apple	computer	that	Steve	Jobs	created,	the	light	bulb	that	Edison	invented	and
the	 theory	 of	 relativity	 that	 Einstein	 developed.	 Few	 people	 know	 that	 these	 great	 thinkers	 also
implemented	 a	 large	 amount	 of	 ideas	 that	 didn’t	 succeed.	 In	 creative	 thinking,	 quality	 comes	 from
quantity	 and	 the	 more	 successful	 businesses	 you	 create	 the	 more	 failures	 you	 encounter	 along	 the
The	 best	 inno vato r s	 fail	 o ften.	 The	 best	 inno vato r s	 fail	 eag er ly.	 The	 best	 inno vato r s	 kno w	 that	 they
are	successful	because	they	have	failed	more	than	others.	The	more	ideas	you	generate	and	the	more
of	them	you	implement,	the	sooner	you	will	create	something	great.	If	you	want	to	become	a	world-
class	 ideas	 cr eato r,	 expect	 that	 many	 o f	 yo ur 	 ideas	 will	 fail,	 so me	 will	 succeed	 and	 a	 few	 will	 have
potential	to	change	the	world.
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