Page 108 - The Business Idea Factory: A World-Class System for Creating Successful Business Ideas
P. 108

Physical	Fitness,	Sleep	and	Energy

Good	 sleep	 and	 physical	 exercises	 not	 only	 help	 to	 maintain	 good	 health	 but	 also	 stimulate
generation	of	business	ideas.


Many	 people	 think,	 “To	 become	 successful	 I	 need	 to	 do	 more	 work	 and	 stay	 awake	 longer.	 Time
spent	 sleeping 	 is	 time	 wasted.”	 In	 fact,	 mo st	 pr o ductive	 thinker s	 sleep	 o n	 aver ag e	 lo ng er 	 than	 o ther
The	 subconscious	 mind	 is	 responsible	 for	 generating	 successful	 business	 ideas	 and	 it	 works	 best
when	your	conscious	mind	is	inactive	and	especially	well	during	sleep.	If	you	need	a	good	idea	you
are	much	more	likely	to	generate	it	after	8	hours	of	healthy	sleep	than	after	a	night	of	staring	at	the
computer	screen.
The	 best	 inventors	 are	 aware	 of	 the	 power	 of	 sleep	 and	 use	 it	 daily.	 In	 fact,	 they	 create	 a	 lot	 of
br eakthr o ug h	 ideas	 dur ing 	 sleep	 o r 	 a	 nap.	 In	 ter ms	 o f	 g ener ating 	 successful	 business	 ideas,	 sleep	 is
certainly	not	a	waste	of	time.	In	fact,	it	can	be	the	most	productive	time	of	the	day.

Physical	exercises

Resear cher s	 fo und	 that	 r eg ular 	 physical	 exer cises	 impr o ve	 memo r y,	 mo o d	 and	 cr eative	 thinking .	 If
yo u	 need	 to 	 cr eate	 g o o d	 ideas	 o r 	 pr epar e	 fo r 	 an	 exam,	 yo u	 will	 be	 mo r e	 pr o ductive	 after 	 jo g g ing ,
swimming	or	taking	a	dancing	class.
Physical	 exercises	 stimulate	 greatly	 the	 creative	 brain	 to	 think	 during	 the	 ideas	 incubation	 period.
When	 you	 dance,	 run	 or	 swim,	 the	 conscious	 brain	 rests	 and	 the	 subconscious	 mind	 processes
millions	of	thoughts.	You	might	realize	that	the	problem	you	have	been	thinking	about	the	whole	day
is	often	solved	either	while	you	exercise	or	soon	after.
The	 world’s	 best	 thinkers	 know	 that	 if	 you	 need	 good	 ideas	 regularly,	 exercises	 are	 not	 optional
because	 witho ut	 them	 after 	 a	 co uple	 o f	 weeks	 o r 	 mo nths	 the	 cr eative	 pr o ductivity	 dr o ps.	 Exer cise	 at
least	 two	 or	 three	 times	 per	 week	 and	 it	 will	 not	 only	 boost	 your	 energy	 but	 will	 also	 make	 you	 a
better	thinker.
You	can’t	create	anything	awesome	if	you	are	not	well	rested	or	if	you	have	low	energy.	Sleep	well
and	 exercise	 regularly.	 These	 two	 habits	 will	 not	 only	 keep	 you	 healthy	 but	 will	 also	 allow	 you	 to
create	a	lot	of	excellent	business	ideas.
If	 you	 are	 stuck	 with	 a	 problem,	 go	 to	 sleep	 or	 exercise.	 Very	 likely	 the	 insight	 will	 come	 to	 you
during	the	next	thinking	session.
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