Page 112 - The Business Idea Factory: A World-Class System for Creating Successful Business Ideas
P. 112
to produce. Change the rooms and locations in the rooms where you think to not let your brain
become stale.
Go for a walk
Jean-Jacques Rousseau, the famous French philosopher, Johann Wolfgang von Goethe and Sigmund
Freud created some of their best ideas while taking a walk. Taking a walk put them into creative mode
and accelerated their thinking.
Walking is a monotonous physical activity that stimulates your subconscious mind and increases
your chances to come up with a really good idea. When the landscape constantly changes in front of
your eyes, the creative brain gets nurtured by fresh images and thinks more productively. If you are
ever stuck and can’t come up with good ideas, simply go for a walk. Great thinkers have been using a
walk for centuries as a magic pill for stimulating their subconscious mind and getting into the
creative state.
Any place is good
Think about ideas at places where most other people are just killing time: while walking to a parking
lot, while waiting for a bus, while sitting at a boring meeting, at the airport or in the supermarket line.
This habit will significantly improve the quality and quantity of ideas that you produce.
So me peo ple think, “Cr eativity is a difficult and unpleasant jo b because I have to sit fo r ho ur s and
stare at the wall until a good idea comes.” In fact, the best strategy is to think about ideas in the breaks
between other activities and only for a few minutes. This approach will not only make generating
ideas fun and easy but will also make your thinking more productive. Remember that you don’t need
an expensive chair or a fancy office for creating successful business ideas. Your creative studio is
wherever you are at the particular moment. Innovative ideas often come in places that you least expect
Many great thinkers have created some of their best business ideas during their travel abroad.
A trip to Denmark inspired Walt Disney to create ideas that he later implemented in Disneyland. Walt
wanted Disneyland to have a similar atmosphere of relaxed fun that the Tivoli Gardens amusement
park in Copenhagen had.
During his vacation in Jamaica, Richard Branson listened to many local reggae bands. This trip
inspired him to create a reggae record label and he signed contracts with over 20 reggae artists.
Dur ing his tr ip to Italy, Ho war d Schulz no ticed that co ffee bar s existed almo st ever ywher e and no t
only served excellent espresso, but also served as meeting places for people. Based on his memories
of the cafés in Italy, he created Starbucks in the USA that not only served hot coffee but also provided
customers with a great experience.
When you travel your brain gets exposed to an environment and experiences that are dramatically
different from what you see daily. The dramatic change in surroundings serves as incredibly
powerful stimulation for the brain. In fact, it is so powerful that many people say they become more