Page 115 - The Business Idea Factory: A World-Class System for Creating Successful Business Ideas
P. 115

Mindless	activities


Next	time	when	you	are	bored…

Our	brain	is	an	incredibly	powerful	thinking	machine,	but	when	we	are	busy	much	of	this	capacity	is
unavailable.	 When	 we	 ar e	 bo r ed	 and	 per fo r m	 mindless	 activities,	 o ur 	 analytical	 br ain	 do esn’t	 wo r k
and	allows	the	subconscious	mind	to	think	at	full	capacity.	Although	washing	dishes,	ironing,	jogging
on	a	treadmill	or	staring	at	the	wall	in	a	subway	car	doesn’t	sound	inspiring,	these	activities	are	very
stimulating	for	creative	thinking.
Next	time	you	are	bored	or	need	to	kill	time,	instead	of	listening	to	an	MP3	player,	playing	games	on
a	mobile	phone	or	reading	a	book,	give	your	brain	a	task	to	think	about	a	particular	problem	and	give
your	mind	a	chance	to	wander.	By	the	time	the	mindless,	repetitive	or	boring	activity	is	over,	you	will
have	generated	a	lot	of	interesting	ideas.	When	great	thinkers	are	waiting	in	line,	mowing	the	lawn	or
cleaning,	they	say,	“Wow!	It’s	boring.	What	a	fruitful	time	to	think	about	new	ideas.”

Idea	shower

The	 executive	 dir ecto r 	 o f	 the	 Neur o Leader ship	 Institute	 in	 the	 U.S.,	 David	 Ro ck,	 po lled	 o ver 	 6,000
people	to	figure	out	where	they	generate	their	best	ideas.	Guess	what?	The	shower	was	the	most	often
mentioned	location.
Although	a	shower	doesn’t	look	as	inspirational	as	a	hammock	on	the	beach	at	the	ocean,	it	is	indeed
an	 incredibly	 stimulating	 place	 for	 generating	 ideas.	 Firstly,	 a	 shower	 is	 a	 mindless	 activity	 that
stimulates	daydreaming.	Secondly,	warm	water	makes	your	body	relaxed,	which	is	important	for	high
performance	 of	 the	 subconscious	 mind.	 Finally,	 when	 you	 go	 to	 the	 shower	 you	 change	 location,
which	stimulates	the	brain	with	a	new	experience.
Don’t	 waste	 your	 shower	 time!	 Set	 tasks	 for	 the	 subconscious	 and	 after	 almost	 every	 trip	 to	 the
shower	 you	 will	 come	 back	 with	 one,	 two	 or	 three	 good	 ideas.	 Make	 sure	 to	 write	 down	 all	 ideas,
sometimes	 even	 before	 you	 finish	 washing	 yourself	 because	 ideas	 are	 the	 most	 fragile	 thing	 in	 the
world	and	can	evaporate	as	unexpectedly	as	they	come.
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