Page 117 - The Business Idea Factory: A World-Class System for Creating Successful Business Ideas
P. 117

Ideas	breed	ideas


Ideas	stimulate	ideas

While	talking	to	an	interesting	person,	listening	to	a	presentation	or	reading	an	article,	you	can	often
come	up	with	more	interesting	ideas	than	during	the	entire	day	of	sitting	at	the	desk	and	looking	at	the
wall.	Do	you	know	why?
The	 answer	 to	 this	 question	 is	 one	 of	 the	 most	 important	 principles	 of	 creativity	 that	 says:	 “Ideas
stimulate	ideas.”	When	you	hear	or	read	ideas	of	other	people,	they	can	trigger	your	brain	and	inspire
you	 to	 generate	 another	 idea	 that	 is	 either	 relevant	 or	 irrelevant	 to	 the	 topic	 of	 the	 conversation,
presentation	or	article.	The	more	you	expose	your	brain	to	ideas	of	other	people,	the	more	triggers
will	be	pressed	in	your	brain	and	the	more	interesting	ideas	you	will	generate.
Great	thinkers	know	this	powerful	creativity	principle	and	nurture	their	brains	with	huge	quantities	of
ideas	on	a	regular	basis.	They	learn	the	ideas	of	others	that	are	already	successful,	ideas	that	are	in	the
implementation	stage	and	ideas	that	have	just	been	generated.
If	you	are	working	on	a	problem,	expose	yourself	to	external	ideas	as	much	as	you	can.	All	of	them
can	trigger	your	brain	and	stimulate	it	to	look	at	the	problem	in	a	fresh	way	and	generate	a	successful
solution.	One	of	the	most	effective	techniques	for	stimulating	the	brain	is	“ideas	bombarding.”

Ideas	bombarding

This	 technique	 will	 allow	 you	 to	 effectively	 produce	 original	 ideas	 in	 a	 very	 short	 period	 of	 time.
Within	 2	 hours,	 look	 through	 100	 ideas	 related	 to	 the	 same	 task	 and	 think	 about	 how	 they	 can	 be
applied	in	your	existing	or	future	business.	Think	about	how	combinations	or	modifications	of	these
ideas	may	help	you	to	solve	the	same	task	most	effectively.
Fo r 	 example,	 lo o k	 thr o ug h	 websites	 in	 yo ur 	 niche	 to 	 see	 which	 ideas	 yo u	 can	 use	 o n	 yo ur 	 website.
Think	about	how	you	can	modify	these	ideas	to	make	them	applicable	for	your	business.	If	you	are	an
author	and	want	to	create	a	title	for	your	book	–	look	through	100	book	titles	in	your	genre	and	see	if
they	 can	 inspire	 you	 to	 create	 an	 interesting	 title	 for	 your	 next	 book.	 Write	 down	 all	 the	 ideas	 that
come	to	your	head	during	this	session.
New	 ideas	 are	 created	 on	 top	 of	 old	 ideas.	 Letting	 hundreds	 of	 ideas	 through	 your	 head	 will
significantly	stimulate	your	right	brain	to	generate	successful	business	ideas	within	a	short	period	of
time.	“Ideas	bombarding”	is	one	of	the	most	effective	creative	thinking	techniques	that	exist	and	it	will
allo w	 yo u	 to 	 g ener ate	 a	 lo t	 o f	 excellent	 ideas,	 so me	 o f	 which	 will	 make	 yo ur 	 business	 eno r mo usly

Snowball	effect

Ideas	 have	 a	 sno wballing 	 effect.	 Once	 yo u	 g et	 any	 idea,	 no 	 matter 	 ho w	 cr azy	 o r 	 unr ealistic,	 fur ther
ideas	 will	 co me	 faster 	 to 	 yo ur 	 head.	 As	 Cliff	 Einstein,	 the	 head	 o f	 an	 adver tising 	 ag ency,	 said,	 “T he
best	way	to	get	an	idea	is	to	get	an	idea.”
Once	you	think	about	a	task	or	a	problem,	the	first	ideas	will	come	to	your	head	slowly.	Then,	ideas
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