Page 109 - Professional Search Engine Optimization (SEO)
P. 109

Link building 108

          You can specify the number of websites that should be added in this run in this
          window. In addition, you can choose if the found web pages automatically should be
          marked for inclusion in your link pages (we'll explain the Create link pages feature
          later in this manual).
          If you want, you can also assign a special category or status to the websites that IBP's
          link manager finds in this run. That information can make it easier to manage your
          link partners.
          All entries in this window are optional. You can simply click the Next button to

              Tip: Use a status like "link exchange form" if you use this option in the Add
              Sites Assistant in IBP's link manager. When you then click the Status column
              header in IBP's link manager' main window all websites that contain a link
              exchange form will be listed one after the other. That makes it much easier to
              quickly submit your link to these sites.

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