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219  Professional Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

9.5 How to edit the ranking report data

          IBP offers you a powerful ranking editor that allows you to work with your ranking
          data. It also allows you to export your cumulated ranking data so that you can work
          with it in external applications such as MS Excel.

          Click the Editor image in IBP's Ranking Manager to open the ranking editor:

          The ranking editor shows the result from all dates on which you performed a ranking
          check in the current project.
          1. Select a period
          The date selectors on the right side of the window allow you to quickly specify a date
          range from which the rankings should be displayed in the left side of the window. You
          can either use the From and To menus to select a start date and an end date or you
          can use the Select Period... button to select a period.

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