Page 279 - Professional Search Engine Optimization (SEO)
P. 279

Version history 278

          · New, Keyword Manager: The "Get keywords from competitors" feature now
             supports https websites.

          · Improved project management: The Edit Project window now lets you specify really
             all project settings.

          · Improved project management: Some ranking report settings need not be specified
             in every project individually anymore. They can now be found in the General
             Settings window.

          · Improved project management: In the IBP Business Edition, all references to IBP in
             the reports are now removed automatically. You don't have to check a checkbox for
             every project anymore.

          · Improved the stability of remote-controlling Internet Explorer. If you're still getting
             crashes, make sure you use Internet Explorer 8 and remove any unnecessary add-
             ons and toolbars.

          · Improved, Keyword Density Analyzer: The PDF report does not break the pages
             after every section anymore so you will save a lot of pages.

          · Improved: The backup file is now smaller in many cases.
          · Improved the visibility of the help texts in the General Settings window.
          · Fixed, Keyword Manager: Under certain circumstances, the Export Keywords

             window would not take over your keywords.
          · Fixed, Link Manager: The "Add Site Filters" were not displayed.
          · Several improvements and bug fixes in the Keyword Manager, Top 10 Optimizer,

             Link Manager, Ranking Manager, Submission Manager, and PPC Manager.

          IBP 11.5 (30 July 2009)

          · New, Keyword Manager: You can now get keywords from the Google AdWords
             keyword tool - automatically, without entering a captcha. This feature is available
             for many languages.

          · New, Link Manager: The Link Manager now displays the Google PageRank for the
             web page in the preview browser.

          · Improved, Ranking Manager and Submission Manager: If you select the option
             "Delete Cookies" in the General Settings window, then session cookies will now be
             deleted, too.

          · Improved, Link Manager: When searching for existing back links to your site, the
             Link Manager does not ignore search engine links anymore (e.g.
             com), and it now reports multiple pages from the same domain.

          · Improved, Link Manager: When checking the link partners' web pages if they still
             link back to your site, the found links will now be prioritized so that the back links
             to your site will be found faster.

          · Fixed, Keyword Manager: IBP could crash when you opened the Export window
             under certain circumstances.

          · Fixed, Link Manager: Fixed some problems when checking for back links.
          · Fixed, Submission Manager: You could not submit to some search engines because

             JavaScript was disabled.

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