Page 281 - Professional Search Engine Optimization (SEO)
P. 281

Version history 280

             databases or to a plain text file.
          · New: There's now a link to the specific Google Trends web page for every keyword

             in your keyword list.
          · New: You can now refine your keyword search by clicking a keyword name to find

             less-competitive, undiscovered keywords and key phrases.
          · New: There is now an Ad Group Focus display that tells you how focused your

             keyword list is to a single theme. This helps you to create a more targeted keyword
             list in order to pay less for your Google AdWords keywords.
          · New: You can now see a "history" of your last keyword searches.
          · New, Keyword Editor: The new feature "Reverse Words" reverses the order of the
             words in key phrases, for example "vacation discount" becomes "discount
          · New, Keyword Editor: The new feature "Remove Keywords That Don't Contain The
             Word" removes all keywords that don't contain a certain word. This helps you to
             create a more targeted keyword list.
          · New, Keyword Editor: The new feature "Remove Duplicates" removes duplicate
             keywords from the keyword list.
          · New, Keyword Editor: The new feature "Strip double spaces" removes double
             spaces within the keywords.
          · New, Keyword Editor: The new feature "Trim Lines" removes spaces around the
          · New, Keyword Editor: The new feature "Convert To Lowercase" converts the
             selected keywords to lower case.
          · Improved: The "Get competitor keywords" feature is now much faster.
          · Improved: The keyword cache now remembers the number of searches and number
             of results for multiple search engines, not only for the current search engine.
          · Improved: The Expand Keywords window opens with the keywords filled in the
             middle list so that you can quickly add further keywords to the left or right side.
          · Improved: The project keyword files are now smaller and take less space on your
             hard disk and in backup files.
          · Fixed: Inserting Polish cities and regions did not work.

          New in the top 10 optimizer:

          · New: https web pages will now be analyzed.
          · Improved: There's now a chart in the Top 10 Report to visualize the Top 10 Ranking

             Requirements Score. In addition, the score is explained better.
          · Improved: The summary keyword chapters now only appear in the Top 10 Report if

             any keyword chapter is selected. Likewise, the Ranking Factors Digest chapter only
             lists the ranking factors that have been analyzed in the report.
          · Improved: The search engine list now omits search engines that cannot be
             optimized, for example Google AdWords or Sponsored Listings.
          · Improved the analysis of several search engine ranking factors.

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