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Version history 284

          · Several additional minor improvements, performance improvements and fixes in
             the Keyword Manager, Top 10 Optimizer, Link Manager, Submission Manager and
             Ranking Manager.

          IBP 10.2 (15 July 2008)

          · New, IBP's link manager Link Manager: You can now find theme-related blogs that
             could link to your site.

          · New, IBP's link manager Link Manager: There is now a Link Management Report
             panel. In addition, you can now easily change the Link Management Report

          · New, IBP's link manager Link Manager: You can now edit and save email templates
             that are written in HTML. This allows you to quickly send HTML email messages.

          · New, IBP's link manager Link Manager: You can now export the thumbnail file

          · New, Submission Manager: You can now update the PR values of the directories
             you added yourself (switch to "Manual Submission" and select "Update PR column"
             from the "List" menu in the toolbar).

          · New, Static Web Page Editor: The Static Web Page Editor now supports the new
             Meta Robots directives "noimageindex" and "notranslate" which are recognized by
             Google, Yahoo and Microsoft Live. In addition, the editor now knows that
             "nosnippet" is recognized by Yahoo and Live as well.

          · Improved, IBP's link manager Link Manager: The Link Management Report now
             shows the links added in the last 30 days instead of "this month".

          · Improved, Keyword Manager: The Keyword Suggestion Tools window has been
             completely revamped to make it more powerful and easier to use.

          · Improved, Keyword Manager: In the Keyword Suggestion Tools window you can
             now extract the Google search volume numbers from the Google AdWords tool.

          · Improved, Keyword Manager: In the Keyword Suggestion Tools window you can
             now extract the keywords from the Google AdWords tool without selecting the
             keywords first.

          · Improved, Top 10 Optimizer: Keywords with hyphen ("well-known author") are

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