Page 106 - 100 Great Copywriting Ideas: From Leading Companies Around the World (100 Great Ideas)
P. 106

the line from a Tokyo hotel room came crackling instructions from
baron number two on the sort of organizational chart that would best
represent the business. These would be batted back from downtown
Manhattan as baron number one asserted his alternative concept.
My chance came as the combatants drew breath. “Wouldn’t it be
better,” I asked, “to just print a couple of thousand and just get it out
there? This thing will never please both of you and meanwhile your
competitors have the field to themselves.” In the end we did get sign-
off and we did print it. In a version neither man was happy with but
which both felt represented a partial victory over the other.

In practice

• Understand that copy is a tool not an art form. Its job is to

    sell stuff. Perfect copy doesn’t exist, any more than do perfect

• Keep to a minimum the number of people with final approval,

    preferably to one. Get them to sign off the brief, so the copy,
    when it comes, meets their stated expectations.

                                                                   100 GREAT COPYWRITING IDEAS • 97
   101   102   103   104   105   106   107   108   109   110   111