Page 108 - 100 Great Copywriting Ideas: From Leading Companies Around the World (100 Great Ideas)
P. 108

their ADRs, it promises a benefit—that they could do it in London,
a major world financial center but not an American one. And the
statement after the colon is presented in positive language—you can
list ADRs in London—so if the headline is all you read the lingering
memory is of the right answer: yes you can.
Because the piece was presenting a new concept, we opted for a very
straightforward, non-ritzy selling approach. I included six reasons
to take the desired action—the benefits. Then a box containing
four key facts about listing ADRs. Then a testimonial. Then a Q&A
section presenting, apparently dispassionately, further reasons to do
it and resolving any objections in the reader’s mind.

In practice

• You can flip the copy around, starting with the concept you’re

    presenting and ending with . . . true or false? For example, “You
    can lose weight without giving up cream cakes, true or false?”

• Start your body copy with a two-word sentence: “It’s true.” Then

    go on to explain why.

                                                                  100 GREAT COPYWRITING IDEAS • 99
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