Page 142 - 100 Great Copywriting Ideas: From Leading Companies Around the World (100 Great Ideas)
P. 142

of product X went for . . . a girl in a bikini, smiling winsomely at the
camera. We can imagine the thought process quite easily (it wasn’t
much of a process).

    Writer: “We’re aiming this product at young guys who want
    to attract girls.”
    Art director: “Cool. Let’s get a model to pose in a bikini.”
    Both: “Yes!” They high-five. “Guys will have to look at the
    ad then.”

Now let’s listen in to the reader’s thoughts as he flicks to the ad . . .

    “Coo, she’s nice. I like her.” Turns page.

Sadly, although young men—well, OK, men—love looking at
pictures of scantily clad females, that’s about as far as it goes. They
look. They don’t identify—crucial for making a sale; and they have
no reason to read the body copy. (Which in this case ran to all of 25
words.) It’s just another pretty girl.

If you’re marketing bikinis, tanning lotions, or slimming courses to
young women, this could well be the ideal picture (just don’t make
her too pretty).

In practice

• Illustrate your ads with photographs that show the product.

    That’s what you’re expecting your prospect to hand over their
    money for.

• Give your reader a same-sex face to look at: builders identify with

    builders not glamor models and may, just, be tempted to find out
    what this builder is pitching.

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