Page 147 - 100 Great Copywriting Ideas: From Leading Companies Around the World (100 Great Ideas)
P. 147


Over the years, I have developed a certain affection for a few
types of copywriting. Long sales letters, especially if set in Courier.
That quirky stuff you get on the backs of Innocent smoothies,
Ribena cartons, and Ben & Jerry’s ice cream tubs. And even Google
Adwords, which approach the simplicity and resonance of haiku.

Yet, there are other classes of—can I call it copywriting? Not really
but it’ll do for now—that leave me puzzled at best and groaning
at worst. Like all new media before it, the web has spawned its
fair share of dimwit copy ideas, and one of the dimmest I discuss

The idea

From the wonderful
The other day I was researching content for a client’s case study and
out of the five websites they gave me to look at, no fewer than three
had, you guessed it, a “movie” with the deathless phrase “skip intro”
somewhere toward the foot of the page. I’m sure you’ve seen them:
two minutes of silky/juddery/morphy nonsense, no doubt intended
to lull you to sleep so that the dubious claims that follow won’t be
subjected to critical scrutiny.

Now, let’s ask the owner of this website a question. Did you
think I typed in your URL so I could watch a movie? Duh! I want
information and I want it now. Only a fool actively erects barriers
between a potential customer and his content. The playful folk at have this mindset parodied to perfection.

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