Page 148 - 100 Great Copywriting Ideas: From Leading Companies Around the World (100 Great Ideas)
P. 148
I think I know what’s going on. The companies who pay for this type
of website usually don’t rely on it for sales. It’s largely an exercise in
self-aggrandisement, so the practice of Flashturbation is entirely in
keeping with the garbled corporate nonsense that takes up the rest
of the site. But then, hey, they probably send out sales letters that
start “As a valued client” as well.
I have a suggestion for a more user-friendly line of copy on the home
page. It reads: “Play pointless Flash movie that we paid a fortune for
and are now desperate to have you watch.” Then the small children
at whom these animations are so clearly aimed could sit there all day
watching zebras turning into photocopiers while the rest of us get
on with some work.
In practice
• If you see web designers putting “skip intro” between your
visitors and your copy, a) whack them with something heavy and
b) ask them when was the last time they read a book that started
“skip intro.”
• If you are asked to take part in a web design meeting and it
comes up, remind everyone that an anagram of “skip intro” is
“irk points,” which you will win from visitors.