Page 186 - 100 Great Copywriting Ideas: From Leading Companies Around the World (100 Great Ideas)
P. 186

The theme continued on the inside with this line . . .
    Light up their Christmas with SayShopping Pass

And this one . . .
    Staff motivation isn’t just for Christmas . . . here’s a rewarding
    way to make it last all year

Smell that Gorgonzola. The point is, though, that people are more
generous at this time of year and are, in my opinion, more willing
to be entertained by marketing copy than at other times of the year.
You see the same thing happening on Valentine’s Day, at Easter,
and on Halloween. But . . . there’s always a but. Don’t lose sight of
the true goal of your copy. Which has to be to sell something. Yes
you can use cheesy imagery if you’re careful and it’s done well, but
forget to include benefits, overcome objections, or provide a strong
and simple call to action and all is lost.

In practice

• If you can link your campaign or your product to appropriately

    seasonal copy and imagery, give it a go. People are more

• Take out the feelgood factor this time of year generates, and

    I have my doubts about the cornball approach to selling.

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