Page 190 - 100 Great Copywriting Ideas: From Leading Companies Around the World (100 Great Ideas)
P. 190

what? The coffee cost more than the magazine. And she paid
    the full cover price at a newsagent down the road from us in
    Tottenham Court Road.
I’ve used the word “value” twice already, and that’s the key to
resolving the price objection. Most of the time, price isn’t the issue
at all. Most people you’re writing to can afford what you’re asking.
If they couldn’t they wouldn’t be on the list. But most people don’t
start out convinced that what you’re offering is worth it. If they’re not
buying because of price, you haven’t done enough work.

In practice

• The easiest technique I know to make something seem cheap is

    to divide the price by 365. Then you have the line, “For less than
    the price of your daily . . .” and fill in the blank with whatever
    seems appropriate for your reader.

• The other technique is to focus on the financial benefits that

    accrue to the buyer. If loft insulation costing £200 saves you that
    in two years, there’s your objection overcome.

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