Page 36 - 100 Great Copywriting Ideas: From Leading Companies Around the World (100 Great Ideas)
P. 36
And it’s not as if we resort to labeling any other parts of the pack. The
outer envelope, for example, rarely carries the line “Outer envelope.”
And I’m fairly sure I’ve never seen a sales letter with “Top flap”
written above the body copy.
If you were selling face to face, and the customer had just agreed to
buy from you, would you say, “Great! Can I just get you to fill in this
form?” No! You’d say, “Great! Let’s just get this paperwork done and
I can give you your free steak knives.” In other words, turn the close
into another pleasurable part of the process, not form-filling.
There are lots of things you could write that would keep the smile
on the customer’s face long enough for you to close the sale. Recap
the main benefit, for example. Or remind them of what they’ll lose
if they don’t buy.
In practice
• Write your order form first. That way you come to it fresh.
• Treat the order form as an ad in its own right. Spend some time
thinking of a headline that encourages the reader to make the
purchase. “Order now” is far, far better than “Order form.”