Page 32 - 100 Great Copywriting Ideas: From Leading Companies Around the World (100 Great Ideas)
P. 32

As a Racing Pulses member, you’re in good—no, make that
    great—company. Our members are single, sociable and
    sporting. Mostly 25 and over, they come from the professions,
    from farming, from town and country. London lawyers,
    Yorkshire farmers, West Country entrepreneurs, and racing
    media professionals: you’ll meet them all.
So, how do we achieve that all-important personal tone of voice?
It turns out that good web copy is much the same as good direct
marketing copy. Or, for that matter, good essays, love letters, or
notes for the milkman. Let me give you a couple of simple rules that
help . . .

In practice

• Write in a conversational, even chatty style. Use Plain English

    and don’t be afraid to sound more informal than you might
    in print.

• Never, ever write “some of you” on a web page (or in an email).

    Yes, more than one person will visit the page. More than one
    might even be reading it at the same time. But not as far as
    they’re concerned.

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