Page 70 - 100 Great Copywriting Ideas: From Leading Companies Around the World (100 Great Ideas)
P. 70

The structure of the case study followed the classic lines described
above. I introduced the need for the PAS, then walked the reader
through the process, including all the benefits of the standard, and
finished by explaining what lay ahead.
When you’re writing a case study, here are a few pointers. Try to tell
it from your customer’s perspective. And use real people, preferably
with photos. (Not all clients are happy to give you a mugshot, but
always ask.) Include as many concrete facts as possible. Explain
specifically what you did. Use original photography wherever possible.
Library shots detract from the impression you’re trying to create—
that this is what happened to a real person or organization.

In practice

• Use quotes from your client. You will need to interview them

    to get the story and a flavor of their world view. This is an ideal
    opportunity to introduce a different tone of voice within your
    still correctly branded case study.

• Ensure that it’s clear how the client benefited from your expertise,

    product, or input. That way you can give your reader a clear idea
    of how they would benefit.

                                                                   100 GREAT COPYWRITING IDEAS • 61
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