Page 66 - 100 Great Copywriting Ideas: From Leading Companies Around the World (100 Great Ideas)
P. 66

Let’s also suppose that you get a 1 percent response rate, i.e., 100
orders. But if we also assume that only 20 percent of people—
2,000—actually open your envelope, that’s where all 100 orders
come from. And your effective response rate is in fact 5 percent.
Let’s call that your conversion rate.

If it costs you £75 to fulfill each order, your total fulfillment costs
are £7,500. So your total costs are £12,500. Your total revenues are
£13,000 and your profit is £500.

Now, imagine you find some way of getting 25 percent more people
to open your envelope, giving you 2,500 potential buyers. Without
increasing your conversion rate, you now have 125 orders.

Your marketing cost is the same: £5,000. Your fulfillment cost
has risen to £9,375, making a total of £14,375. Your total revenues
are £16,250 and your profit has jumped to £1,875. A 275 percent

And guess how you get more people to open your envelope. That’s
right! You give them a reason to.

In practice

• If you are trying to get renewals for any kind of relationship-based

    service, use a line of copy that says something like “Important
    news about your membership.”

• Use a photo that dramatizes the fundamental product benefit. If

    you offer a premium when people become customers or take a
    free trial, show that with a line promising details of how to get
    hold of it inside.

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