Page 63 - 100 Great Copywriting Ideas: From Leading Companies Around the World (100 Great Ideas)
P. 63


If you’ve ever done any face-to-face selling, you’ll know something
a lot of marketeers and business owners don’t. You have to find out
not just what will make someone buy from you but what’s stopping
them from saying “yes.”

When you’re planning your copy, whether it’s a web page, an email,
a brochure, or a sales letter, you can’t just focus on benefits. [What?
Heresy!—Ed.] You also have to make a list of all the reasons why
your reader might not believe you. Might not trust you. Might not
buy from you.

Then you have to figure out the answers to all their “Yes, but . . .”
questions. Here are three of the most common objections and what
to do about them . . .

The idea

From the best direct response ads
Direct response copywriters know something their advertising
cousins don’t. (Or don’t appear to.) You can’t make the sale if you’ve
left even a single objection unresolved.

Objection 1—“It’s too expensive.”

To be honest, price is rarely the real reason why people won’t buy
from you. It’s a smokescreen for deeper-seated objections. Here’s
what you do. You demonstrate the value of your product to your
reader. Show them how much money they’ll save, or make, versus
the cost. Talk about their purchase as “an investment.” That makes
it sound more prestigious and introduces the idea of payback.

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