Page 60 - 100 Great Copywriting Ideas: From Leading Companies Around the World (100 Great Ideas)
P. 60

Example 2—Processing your order

    We know it’s an internet tradition but we thought it would
    be a bit daft to have a shopping trolley in the middle of a
    gardening site. That’s why we’ve gone for a wheelbarrow. If
    you see anything you fancy, just click it into the wheelbarrow.
    That way you don’t have to go back and find it when you want
    to sort out your order.

Again, they let you find out about the buying process at your own
pace, rather than trying to hustle you into buying before you feel
comfortable. And notice that effortless tone of voice and playful use
of gardening metaphors.

Example 3—Keeping shoppers happy

    At we guarantee only to send you top notch plants,
    products, and gifts and will inspect everything carefully
    before it leaves us to make sure it’s in tip top condition. We
    also do our utmost to package and protect everything so that
    it doesn’t get damaged on its way. However, if you do have a
    problem, here is what to do:

This copy is from the About Us section of the site. Even though it’s
addressing a potential negative—a complaint—it manages to sound
straightforward and upbeat without being glib.

In practice

• Listen to the people who talk to your customers directly. The

    good ones, that is. Now write down what they say.

• When you’re writing web copy, strive to put as much personality

    into your copy as possible. Make sure every page sounds like
    you. Even the privacy policy. Especially the privacy policy.

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