Page 64 - 100 Great Copywriting Ideas: From Leading Companies Around the World (100 Great Ideas)
P. 64

Objection 2—“I need to talk to someone else.”
Here’s another classic delaying tactic. So you have to show them
what they could lose by hanging back. Time is money, right? And
give them testimonials from people just like them—an excellent
way to provide that missing conversation and reassurance. Old-
school sales guys would imply that, surely, their prospect was
the one in charge. “Oh, I didn’t realize your wife made all the
important decisions.”
Objection 3—“I’m not sure I really need this.”
If this is what you’re hearing, boy, have you got some work to do.
It means you haven’t sold your product (or service) to your reader.
You haven’t convinced them that they will be better off with it than
without it. Did you cover every single benefit your product offers?
Did you explain with facts just how your reader will benefit? Did you
tell a story about life with your product that makes it irresistible? No?
OK—well, that’s your next challenge. You need to take a long hard
look at your copy and more importantly at your product. Identify
what it does for your reader and this objection will melt away.

In practice

• Itemize every single reason why your reader might not buy from

    you, however trivial.

• Now answer those nagging doubts systematically and you are

    closer to your sale.

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