Page 57 - 100 Great Copywriting Ideas: From Leading Companies Around the World (100 Great Ideas)
P. 57


Let me ask you a question. Thinking back over your last full working
day, how long did you spend doing just that? Thinking.
a) More than two hours? Oh, come on!
b) Between five minutes and half an hour? More likely.
c) Too busy? You belong to the 99.9 percent club.
The sad fact is that we’re all too busy to think. I don’t mean that
quick daydream about the gorgeous new hunk/hunkette in sales. Or
the idle speculation about what you’d do if you won the lottery. No,
I mean the creative kind of thinking. Either where you start off from
a challenge: “How can I get more business this month?” Or where
you just free-associate, wondering about how the world works.

The idea

From a range of conference companies
Think about headlines. Let’s take an example. Conference marketing.
You may not be involved in this sector but that doesn’t matter.
Just go with me for a minute or two. Most conference companies
(including the ones I write for) tend to use a standard format for
their promotions. That extends to the headline.
Suppose you are running a conference on wireless networks. And
it’s going to be held in 2010. I’m willing to bet my favorite Taylor
guitar against your signed Buster Keaton print from The General
that your headline is . . . wait for it . . .

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