Page 58 - 100 Great Copywriting Ideas: From Leading Companies Around the World (100 Great Ideas)
P. 58

Wireless Networks 2010

Lest you think I am merely being critical, I should point out that
that’s what I do for my conference clients. It’s in the brief. But what
about trying to engage the reader’s own imagination? What else
could we write? How about . . .

    Give us 24 hours of your time and we’ll help your wireless
    network take wing

    The world’s biggest wireless network companies are waiting
    to meet you

    Golf handicap suffering? Come to Wireless Networks 2010
    and improve it
    (Oh, and do a little business too)

And how about your customers? In today’s time-deprived universe,
many people struggle just to think about what to eat for lunch. Luckily
pre-written sandwich menus let them off the hook. But what about
business? If all we can manage is to order up “the usual”—another
BLT marketing campaign—we are selling ourselves, our business,
and our customers short. Which means we need to start thinking
again. Wondering. Daydreaming. Letting our synapses flash for a
while without expecting “deliverables.” So the next time your boss
asks you what you’re doing. Just tell them. “I’m thinking.”

In practice

• Think about a recent piece of copy you wrote. Call the target

    reader to mind. Now imagine that you are that reader.

• Ask yourself, “What would I tell the copywriter about this copy?”;

    “How does it make me feel?”; and “What does the writer need to
    tell me to get me to buy?”

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