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NON-CPM RESOURCE TOOLS                                          149

satisfy the needs for time keeping, from the project point of view. However,
they tend not to be robust enough to meet the resource accounting require-
ments of most firms. If you are to avoid the redundancy of operating two time-
keeping systems (project and accounting), you will need to consider specialized
project timekeeping software. Such tools are designed to interface directly with
many of the popular project management software packages, while being robust
enough to provide management-level features and a tie-in to corporate ac-
counting systems.

Tool Tip It is important for these software packages to allow
the user to design a time capture input form or view that will
allow time sheet data to be entered on a resource by resource
basis, across multiple projects.

   A key difference between a full-featured time keeping program and just a time
input form is the level of administrative control provided. We can see this by look-
ing at the attributes of one of the special timekeeping programs that have been
developed for use with project management software. This product is representa-
tive of a myriad of excellent add-on products for timekeeping.

   Time$heet Professional, from TIMESLIPS Corporation, has been around for
several years. It has features and capabilities suitable for large resource groups. A
data exchange utility is included with the product, supporting data transfer to and
from many CPM products.

   Time$heet Professional is a corporate time and project tracking software using
a timesheet metaphor. While it can be used as a stand-alone program, it works
very well as an adjunct program with traditional project management software. It
tracks time and expense data for projects, clients, employees, and tasks.

   Custom reports support multiproject consolidation, with several analysis op-
tions. A Stopwatch Timer automatically records time spent on tasks. Many of the
terms can be customized to match the corporate jargon. Tasks can belong to
billing groups or cost centers. Using the data exchange utility, projects and tasks,
with their assignments, can be downloaded to Time$heet Professional, and the
entered timesheet data can then be brought back over to the project manage-
ment software.

   Similar capabilities are available in products such as Time Control (HMS) and
Time Wizard (AC Software). And don’t forget that many of these features are
available in modules that are packaged with traditional CPM systems.

   Whoops! Gotta run. They’re opening up a new blackjack table.
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